How our service works
Get a free 0800 number for your mobile with PhoneStar.
Get a prepaid 0800 number for your mobile today.
Get a free 0800 number for your mobile (or landline) from PhoneStar, with instant activation..
Your callers get a free-phone call, and all you pay is for the incoming call to your mobile.
That's right: You only pay the incoming call charges - there's no monthly fees, and no set up fee..
To get your free 0800 number, simply select one from the list of available numbers on our home page, enter the number you want to receive these 0800 calls on and click “activate number now”. Easy!
You’ll then be invited to top up online with some prepaid credit (from £5.00) so you can receive calls to your new 0800 number.
Using your account you can change where your 0800 calls are answered, so if you change your mobile, for example, you’re covered.
There's no long term contracts, no sneaky hidden fees, and numbers are connected instantly. Calls are charged per minute. Get started by selecting a number!
Please note: Free set up and no monthly fees apply to the first 0800 number. Any additional numbers added to an account attract a £5.00 set up fee.